Reboot your app

If you need to clear your app's memory or force a fresh build after modifying a file that Streamlit Community Cloud doesn't monitor, you may need to reboot your app. This will interrupt any user who may currently be using your app and may take a few minutes for your app to re-deploy. Anyone visiting your app will see "Your app is in the oven" during a reboot.

Rebooting your app on Streamlit Community Cloud is easy! You can reboot your app:

  1. From your workspace at, click the overflow icon (more_vert) next to your app. Click "Reboot".

    Reboot your app from your workspace
  2. A confirmation will display. Click "Reboot".

    Confirm rebooting your app in Streamlit Community Cloud
  1. From your app at <your-custom-subdomain>, click "Manage app" in the lower-right corner.

    Access Streamlit Community Cloud logs from your app
  2. Click the overflow menu icon (more_vert) and click "Reboot app".

    Reboot your app from your Cloud logs
  3. A confirmation will display. Click "Reboot".

    Confirm rebooting your app in Streamlit Community Cloud

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