Favorite your app
Streamlit Community Cloud supports a "favorite" feature that lets you quickly access your apps from your workspace. Favorited apps appear at the top of their workspace with a yellow star (star) beside them. You can favorite and unfavorite apps in any workspace to which you have access as a developer or invited viewer.
Favorites are specific to your account. Other members of your workspace cannot see which apps you have favorited.
Favoriting and unfavoriting your app
You can favorite your app:
Favorite your app from your workspace
From your workspace at share.streamlit.io, click the overflow icon (more_vert) next to your app. Click "Favorite".
Your favorited app will move to the top of your list (with other favorited apps if you have them) and display with a yellow star.
Once favorited, from the same menu, click "Unfavorite" to remove the star.
Alternatively, you can favorite and unfavorite apps by clicking directly on the star next to their names. (Hover over an unfavorited app to reveal an empty star icon next to its name.)
Favorite your app from your app toolbar
From your app at <your-custom-subdomain>.streamlit.app
, click the star (star_border/star) in the upper-right corner to toggle your app's favorite status.
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