This section gives you background on how different parts of Streamlit work.

⋮ App menu

Streamlit provides a configurable menu within your app to access convenient tools for developers and viewers. These options can modify the appearance of your app while running.

Command-line options

When you install Streamlit, a command-line (CLI) tool gets installed as well. The purpose of this tool is to run Streamlit apps, change Streamlit configuration options, and help you diagnose and fix issues.

Streamlit configuration

Streamlit provides four different ways to set configuration options. Learn how to use each of them to change the behavior of Streamlit.


This section provides examples of how Streamlit page elements are affected by the various theme config options.


The Streamlit cache allows your app to stay performant even when loading data from the web, manipulating large datasets, or performing expensive computations. To cache a function in Streamlit, you need to decorate it with one of two decorators: st.cache_data and st.cache_resource.

Add statefulness to apps

Session State is a way to share variables between reruns, for each user session. In addition to the ability to store and persist state, Streamlit also exposes the ability to manipulate state using Callbacks.

Pre-release features

At Streamlit, we like to move quick while keeping things stable. In our latest effort to move even faster without sacrificing stability, we're offering our bold and fearless users two ways to try out Streamlit's bleeding-edge features.

Secrets management

This section provides examples of how to use secrets management to store and retrieve sensitive information in your Streamlit app.

Working with timezones

Working with timezones can be tricky. This section provides a high-level description of how to handle timezones in Streamlit to avoid unexpected behavior.

Advanced notes on widget behavior

Widgets are magical and often work how you want. But they can have surprising behavior in some situations. This section provides is a high-level, abstract description of widget behavior, including some common edge-cases.


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