Configures the default settings of the page.


This must be the first Streamlit command used on an app page, and must only be set once per page.

Function signature[source]

st.set_page_config(page_title=None, page_icon=None, layout="centered", initial_sidebar_state="auto", menu_items=None)


page_title (str or None)

The page title, shown in the browser tab. If None, defaults to the filename of the script ("" would show "app • Streamlit").

page_icon (Anything supported by st.image or str or None)

The page favicon. Besides the types supported by st.image (like URLs or numpy arrays), you can pass in an emoji as a string ("🦈") or a shortcode (":shark:"). If you're feeling lucky, try "random" for a random emoji! Emoji icons are courtesy of Twemoji and loaded from MaxCDN.

layout ("centered" or "wide")

How the page content should be laid out. Defaults to "centered", which constrains the elements into a centered column of fixed width; "wide" uses the entire screen.

initial_sidebar_state ("auto", "expanded", or "collapsed")

How the sidebar should start out. Defaults to "auto", which hides the sidebar on mobile-sized devices, and shows it otherwise. "expanded" shows the sidebar initially; "collapsed" hides it.

menu_items (dict)

Configure the menu that appears on the top-right side of this app. The keys in this dict denote the menu item you'd like to configure:

  • "Get help": str or None
    The URL this menu item should point to. If None, hides this menu item.
  • "Report a Bug": str or None
    The URL this menu item should point to. If None, hides this menu item.
  • "About": str or None
    A markdown string to show in the About dialog. If None, only shows Streamlit's default About text.

The URL may also refer to an email address e.g.


import streamlit as st

    page_title="Ex-stream-ly Cool App",
        'Get Help': '',
        'Report a bug': "",
        'About': "# This is a header. This is an *extremely* cool app!"

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