Publish a Component

Publishing your Streamlit Component to PyPI makes it easily accessible to Python users around the world. This step is completely optional, so if you won’t be releasing your component publicly, you can skip this section!



For static Streamlit Components, publishing a Python package to PyPI follows the same steps as the core PyPI packaging instructions. A static Component likely contains only Python code, so once you have your file correct and generate your distribution files, you're ready to upload to PyPI.

Bi-directional Streamlit Components at minimum include both Python and JavaScript code, and as such, need a bit more preparation before they can be published on PyPI. The remainder of this page focuses on the bi-directional Component preparation process.

A bi-directional Streamlit Component varies slightly from a pure Python library in that it must contain pre-compiled frontend code. This is how base Streamlit works as well; when you pip install streamlit, you are getting a Python library where the HTML and frontend code contained within it have been compiled into static assets.

The component-template GitHub repo provides the folder structure necessary for PyPI publishing. But before you can publish, you'll need to do a bit of housekeeping:

  1. Give your Component a name, if you haven't already

    • Rename the template/my_component/ folder to template/<component name>/
    • Pass your component's name as the the first argument to declare_component()
  2. Edit, change the path for recursive-include from package/frontend/build * to <component name>/frontend/build *

  3. Edit, adding your component's name and other relevant info

  4. Create a release build of your frontend code. This will add a new directory, frontend/build/, with your compiled frontend in it:

    cd frontend
    npm run build
  5. Pass the build folder's path as the path parameter to declare_component. (If you're using the template Python file, you can set _RELEASE = True at the top of the file):

       import streamlit.components.v1 as components
       # Change this:
       # component = components.declare_component("my_component", url="http://localhost:3001")
       # To this:
       parent_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
       build_dir = os.path.join(parent_dir, "frontend/build")
       component = components.declare_component("new_component_name", path=build_dir)

Once you've changed the default my_component references, compiled the HTML and JavaScript code and set your new component name in components.declare_component(), you're ready to build a Python wheel:

  1. Make sure you have the latest versions of setuptools, wheel, and twine

  2. Create a wheel from the source code:

     # Run this from your component's top-level directory; that is,
     # the directory that contains ``
     python sdist bdist_wheel

With your wheel created, the final step is to upload to PyPI. The instructions here highlight how to upload to Test PyPI, so that you can learn the mechanics of the process without worrying about messing anything up. Uploading to PyPI follows the same basic procedure.

  1. Create an account on Test PyPI if you don't already have one

  2. Upload your wheel to Test PyPI. twine will prompt you for a username and password. For the username, use __token__. For the password, use your token value from the previous step, including the pypi- prefix:

    python3 -m twine upload --repository testpypi dist/*
  3. Install your newly-uploaded package in a new Python project to make sure it works:

     python -m pip install --index-url --no-deps example-pkg-YOUR-USERNAME-HERE

If all goes well, you're ready to upload your library to PyPI by following the instructions at

Congratulations, you've created a publicly-available Streamlit Component!

We'd love to help you share your Component with the Streamlit Community! To share it, please post on the Streamlit 'Show the Community!' Forum category with the title similar to "New Component: <your component name>, a new way to do X".

You can also Tweet at us @streamlit so that we can retweet your announcement for you.

If you host your code on GitHub, add the tag streamlit-component, so that it's listed in the GitHub streamlit-component topic:

Add the streamlit-component tag to your GitHub repo


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