Display an image or list of images.

Function signature[source]

st.image(image, caption=None, width=None, use_column_width=None, clamp=False, channels="RGB", output_format="auto")


image (numpy.ndarray, [numpy.ndarray], BytesIO, str, or [str])

Monochrome image of shape (w,h) or (w,h,1) OR a color image of shape (w,h,3) OR an RGBA image of shape (w,h,4) OR a URL to fetch the image from OR a path of a local image file OR an SVG XML string like <svg xmlns=...</svg> OR a list of one of the above, to display multiple images.

caption (str or list of str)

Image caption. If displaying multiple images, caption should be a list of captions (one for each image).

width (int or None)

Image width. None means use the image width, but do not exceed the width of the column. Should be set for SVG images, as they have no default image width.

use_column_width ("auto", "always", "never", or bool)

If "auto", set the image's width to its natural size, but do not exceed the width of the column. If "always" or True, set the image's width to the column width. If "never" or False, set the image's width to its natural size. Note: if set, use_column_width takes precedence over the width parameter.

clamp (bool)

Clamp image pixel values to a valid range ([0-255] per channel). This is only meaningful for byte array images; the parameter is ignored for image URLs. If this is not set, and an image has an out-of-range value, an error will be thrown.

channels ("RGB" or "BGR")

If image is an nd.array, this parameter denotes the format used to represent color information. Defaults to "RGB", meaning image[:, :, 0] is the red channel, image[:, :, 1] is green, and image[:, :, 2] is blue. For images coming from libraries like OpenCV you should set this to "BGR", instead.

output_format ("JPEG", "PNG", or "auto")

This parameter specifies the format to use when transferring the image data. Photos should use the JPEG format for lossy compression while diagrams should use the PNG format for lossless compression. Defaults to "auto" which identifies the compression type based on the type and format of the image argument.


import streamlit as st
from PIL import Image

image = Image.open('sunrise.jpg')

st.image(image, caption='Sunrise by the mountains')

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